Friday, 18 February 2011

Fragile Heart

Dearest my fragile heart,

I know you must have heard this before. But I feel the need to tell you this again. Because I know how forgetful you can really be.

No one, I repeat, NO ONE deserves that HIGHEST special place in you except Him alone. It is Him whom you belong to. You are beating each day because He let you. And you will be beating until He orders you to stop.

If you ever decide to love and let someone or anyone or anything in, I hope that you will love and let that person or that thing in because you love Him. In other words, I hope that you will let them in for His sake. Likewise, if you ever decide to hate anyone or anything, please hate them because you love Him.

Please don't you go and love or hate anyone or anything simply because your nafs tell you to. You have to remember that it is Him that you are striving to please. And not your nafs or your worldly desires.

Please dearest fragile heart, please don't make anyone else takes His place in you.

Slave of Allah SWT

Mencabarnya urusan menjaga hati

"Ya Allah, janganlah Engkau biarkan cinta dan rin
du ku kepada manusia dan dunia ini melebihi cinta dan rindu ku kepada Mu dan Muhammad SAW. AMIN."

Sunday, 13 February 2011

True Strength

The hate that I feel in my heart is real,
But these are feelings that I don't want to feel.
Please Allah help me to be strong,
As I know feeling like this is wrong.
You know the pain and anger that I feel in my heart,
Please take it away and make it depart.
I'm so tired and weary Dear Lord,
These feelings I cannot afford.
I want to feel alive, I want to feel free,
I want to be the best Muslim that I can be.
Please take this pain, throw it away,
I need to prostrate to You and pray.
Please Allah forgive my anger,
These feelings are from Syaitan - I'm in danger!
Please calm my heart, calm my mind,
Let me feel the peace that I yearn to find.
Thank You Allah for hearing me out,
Thank You Allah for allowing me to take the Right route.

Author: Unknown

I was feeling so mad a few moments ago. I felt like crying. Read through the poem above, and Alhamdullilah, it helps me cool down a bit. I wish I knew who wrote it but I have no idea. Came across this poem back then in Manchester. I'M SO FEELING THE POEM RIGHT NOW :(

The Prophet SAW said: "TRUE STRENGTH is NOT the ability to never be knocked down by anybody; BUT to be able to CONTROL one's ANGER, especially when a person has the ability to act on it." (Muslim).

May Allah SWT give me the strength to fight this anger that I feel inside of me. May Allah SWT give us all the strength to fight the evil whispers of the Syaitan. For verily, we are weak slaves and there is no strength except with Allah alone. Amin.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


Beautiful birds swimming in a beautiful sea on a one beautiful day. Alhamdulillah, I was blessed beyond measure to be able to witness such a beautiful scenery which none could have created but Him alone, the One Who is the Most Beautiful.

Beauty is subjective. Different people have different views. Which one to follow then? Follow NONE of them. Not the magazines, nor the TVs. Not person A, nor person B's views. If there is one standard of beauty that one should be striving to achieve is that of the One Who is the Most Beautiful.

Let's strive to be beautiful in His eyes. Definitely not an easy task with temptations all around. But then again, nothing worth having comes easy, isn't it? Don't mind if you're slow on getting there. What matters is you DON'T GIVE UP on getting there. You DON'T STOP TRYING to be beautiful in accordance with the standard set by Allah SWT. May Allah SWT give us the strength to fight all the temptations and help us all be beautiful in His eyes, insyaAllah.

Salaams xxx

(this post is inspired by an article called "In His Eyes: A Reflection of Beauty" by Meena Malik)

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Meski ku rapuh dalam langkah,
Kadang tak setia kepada Mu,
Namun cinta dalam jiwa hanyalah pada Mu.

Bila hati tak sempurna mencintai Mu,
Dalam dada ku harap hanya diri Mu yang bertakhta.

Cinta manusia adalah cinta sementara. Cinta Allah adalah cinta hakiki. Mudahan Allah saratkan hati kita dengan cinta hakiki Nya. Amin. Selamat malam xxx

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Hello Mister/Miss Grumpy

I find it funny whenever a person says, "I'm not in the mood. Someone just ruined my day!"

So you're unhappy, moody, grumpy. You walk around with your sad-sour-face on. Not smiling. Not saying HI back to those who say HI to you. You're bitter to people around you. Because you're not in the mood. And why again are you not in the mood? SOMEONE ruined your day!

So what if someone ruined your day? Does that gives you the right to be rude to people? Someone is being rude to you, you behave likewise to those around you. Is that how it works? You're not going anywhere when you repel rudeness with rudeness. Why the need to spread rudeness or bitterness or hatred? Don't you think we have enough of that in today's world? Okay, I'm sorry. This is not my point initially.

Most importantly, WHY on earth do you let someone or even anyone ruined your day when you have the OPTION to not let them ruin it? What I'm trying to say is that, how good or bad a day is does not depends on anyone. It depends on you! You, a one special creature.

Yes, you're special. Allah is Beautiful and Allah created you beautifully. A pair of eyes, ears, hands, feet, not forgetting that beautiful lips. Then there is this amazing thing inside of you that beats. He also gives you this extraordinary tool which makes you different from the animals. A tool that you used everyday. How this tool works is not in our knowledge. He is the One who created you with a brain. And only He knows how your brain really works. MasyaAllah.

You're given a brain to think, to make decision. You, given the special tool - brain, have the option to CHOOSE. You have the power, the privilege to choose. WHY do you choose to let anyone ruined your day? Why? Okay, so maybe someone happens to be extra unkind to you today. Or not returning your smile. Or talk to you in a harsh manner. But so what? They're the ones who are having a bad day. Not you. Why do you choose to ruin your own day just because someone is having a bad day?

My point is, you have the power to choose! So choose WISELY. When people around you are not smiling to you then that's fine. You show them how to smile. When people around you are treating you unkind then that's okay. You show them how to be kind. When people around you are negative, not a problem. You show them how to be positive. If you think you can't handle their rudeness, negativeness, unfriendliness, then leave them. Let them be. Pray for Allah to help them with whatever problems that they're having.

A good day or a bad day? Your pick. Your choice. Not anyone else, but you.

This serves first as a reminder for myself. And then for you who happens to come across this post. If I have been rude, unfriendly, unkind, to you then please forgive me. G'night! Salams. xxx.

PS: What happen if someone just happened to be in a bad mood? Feeling all restless, feeling like slapping someone in the face. When ask why behave like that, reply - hormones. In that case, bawa berwudhu. Then bawa tidor. Or makan. Or berlari. Supaya inda marah marah. Or kalau kan slap pun, slap lah bantal. Jangan orang. Bantal saja. No matter how bad it gets, just try not to be rude. Before you act rude, try imagining someone be rude to you. Would you like that?