For myself, for Adik. And everyone else.
Do not give up hope when things do not go according to your likings. Do not give up hope when things get low. Remember that as human, we can only plan what we want to do and what we want to achieve. In the end of the day, His plans will overpower us, always. Manusia merancang, Allah SWT mentadbir.
Dear broken hearts, take the words of Allah SWT as a source of motivation. There are no words that are more comforting to the hearts but His words. And His words and promises are true.
"Allah TIDAK membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya..." 2:286
"Dan Kami TIDAK membebani seseorang melainkan menurut kesanggupannya, dan pada Kami ada suatu catatan yang menuturkan dengan sebenarnya, dan mereka TIDAK dizalimi (dirugikan)" 23:63
"Hendaklah orang yang mempunyai keluasan memberi nafkah menurut kemampuannya, dan orang yang terbatas rezekinya, hendaklah memberi nafkah dari harta yang diberikan Allah kepadanya. Allah TIDAK membebani seseorang melainkan (sesuai) dengan apa yang diberikan Allah kepadanya. Allah kelak akan memberikan kelapangan setelah kesempitan" 65:7
SubhanAllah. Three verses in the Al-Quran saying "Allah tidak akan membebani manusia melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya." He knows we will question stuffs. He knows we will be wondering why such and such things happen to us. He knows it all. To help us calm down, He tells us that whatever it is that we are facing, it is not something that we cannot handle. He only gives us something because He knows we are capable of managing it. See how much love He has for you and me?
"Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Maka apabila engkau telah selesai (dari satu urusan), tetaplah bekerja keras (untuk urusan yang lain), dan hanya kepada Tuhan mu lah engkau berharap" 94:5-8
MasyaAllah. Allah janjikan kemudahan selepas kesulitan. He mentioned this in surah 65. He mentioned it again twice in surah 94. Janji manusia berubah-ubah. Tapi janji Allah atu pasti. Kemudahan selepas kesulitan, insyaAllah. When we are finished with one thing, go on to the next. Don't be discouraged when the first one didn't go according to our likings. Just be sure that we try even harder for the next one. We give it our very best. And then enough is Allah SWT for us to put our hopes on. Whatever it is, janganlah layan sangat the sedih feeling. Janganlah give up. Jadikan janji-janji Allah sebagai pembakar semangat untuk terus tabah, terus go forward.
"Tidak ada suatu musibah yang menimpa (seseorang), kecuali dengan izin Allah; dan barang siapa beriman kepada Allah, niscaya Allah akan memberi petunjuk kepada hatinya. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu" 64:11
Allahuakbar. Allah SWT is the Most Loving. He even tells that He will show you the way! Provided that you are faithful to Him. Apa lagi? Strive hard to be a good slave of Allah. Mesti mesti mesti cuba! Kalau mau Allah SWT tolong, tolong diri kitani sendiri dulu. Tolong diri kitani sendiri untuk jadi sebaik-baik hamba kepada Nya.
"Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanya senda gurau dan permainan. Dan sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itulah kehidupan yang sebenarnya, sekiranya mereka mengetahui" 29:64
Does it worth it crying your hearts out, feeling all down because of this world when it is only a senda gurau and permainan? It is not the end of anything if you do not get what you want IN THIS WORLD. Do not ever feel like you are losing just because you do not get what you think you deserve or what you want IN THIS WORLD. This world is just a temporary place. Do not let it rules over your soul, your heart. You SHOULD be worried if you are not preparing to win for the life in the Hereafter. And even if you are losing (after you do your best) then that is still okay. You do not lose anything if you are doing it for the sake of Allah SWT. Allah SWT will give you reward for every sweat, every pain that you go through in order to please Him, insyaAllah. People may not appreciate what you did. They may not see or know how hard you tried. But remember that Allah SWT is the Most Appreciative and He knows and sees everything. And cukuplah Allah SWT for us kan? :)
Let's face the trials and tribulations in this life with Allah SWT words always on our minds, in our hearts. Let's face them with a strong heart. Salaams.