Saturday, 4 March 2017

Drowned, drowned in dunia...

Salaam wrb,

MasyaAllah, it has been so long since the last time I posted anything here. Alhamdulillah, I am so thankful to be able to login into my account and write something still. Something for anyone to ponder upon and take lessons from, insyaAllah. Anyone who come by and stumble upon this page.

It is year 2017 now. Allahu... how fast times fly. This year I will hit the big 3, if Allah wills, insyaAllah. I hope the times I spent in this world will be something beneficial for me in the Hereafter, when I stand before my Lord, Allah.

For the past few months, I was so occupied with work. I was so occupied that I did not take my prayers seriously. I forgot how many rakaat I was in my prayers. I even forgot to pray at times. Allahu... how selfish I was really. When times were difficult, I prayed my heart out. When things went my way; when things were easy, I took my prayers lightly. I was getting further and further away from the One who loves me the most like no others. I did not recite the Quran as much as I used to. I did not do my sunat prayers as much as I would like to. My night prayers were non-existence. The dunia has the best of me. It consumed me so much that my relationship with my Lord was on the loose. Allahu... I have no one else to blame but myself. My Lord was never far and will never be far. I was the one who moved. Away. 

But Allahu... Allah is the Most Merciful, the unimaginably kind. Regardless of the countless number of times I failed myself, His Mercy remains. One fine day in the final week of February, there were just too much happening in the office. Too much happening at the same time for me to digest. I was trying to keep my cool the whole day in the office. At the end of the day, I drove home from work crying. I was extremely exhausted with what was happening; exhausted of trying to feel okay that I eventually broke down in tears all the way home. I cried harder when I reached home. I did not know what to do. I had shower and did my maghreb prayer. I cried in my sujod so hard. Asking for Allah to calm and guide my beating heart to His right path. I forgot how beautiful it was to ask from Allah for something so bad until tears rolled down these cheeks. I forgot how blessed I was to be born a Muslim and have Allah to turn to at all times. I forgot how meaningful and magical prayers were. I forgot... until that day I cried so hard in my maghreb prayer, once again. Finally. Alhamdulillah.

I was blessed enough to go through what I had gone through that day. Otherwise, I would still probably be lost in dunia; be occupied with work until I neglected my responsibilities as Allah's servant. The one thing that has taken me further away from Allah was actually the one thing that made me cried so hard in my prayers. I am thankful for the opportunity to still be able to raise my hands and make doa(s) until today. Alhamdullilah 'ala qulli hal.

To anyone who stumble upon this page, I would like to kindly advise you to not make your work or any other worldly matters your priority over the One who created you from nothing to something that you are today. Do not be like me. If you feel like you have gone far away from Allah, please do not give up. You just need to move closer. Slowly but surely, make the effort to be closer. He will never let your efforts go to waste. He is too Kind to do so. 

I hope and pray that Allah will guide us all the way; show us the way to His right path. Let the day we return to Him be the best day of our lives. May He allows us to be amongst His beloved ones. May we be amongst those who get to meet our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Aamiin.

Until next time,