Saturday 14 May 2011

That thing called HOPE, don't lose it!

"DO NOT ever lose hope in the mercy of Allah SWT. Keep making dua even if you go through your WHOLE life like that" - M. Alshareef

Terjatuh, tersungkur, tergugur, terkalah... inda apa. It is not the end of anything. Yang penting you have to bangkit semula, diri semula. It will be the end of everything if you stop trying. Keep the hope alive, do not stop making dua. Think well of Allah SWT, insyaAllah, everything will be well. Aamiin.

Tabahkan hati, kuatkan semangat :) I'm off to zZZzz (yes, at this hour. Cos I had probably less than 5 hours of sleep last night. Paying off the sleep debt now :P). Salaams.

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