Thursday, 19 June 2014

Amazed by You

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Kind,

All praises be due to Allah, the Creator of all things,

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdullilah. No amount of Alhamdullilah will ever be enough for me to express my thankfulness to Allah, the Lord of the world. 

On June 1st to June 10th, I went on a trip to Australia with amazing people. The ten-days trip started off in Gold Coast Australia where by His will, I witnessed amazing nature. From a sea of blue called the Surfers Beach Paradise to a massive land full of green trees, mountains and a waterfall called the Spring Brook Falls. Just simply mesmerizing scenery. Breathtakingly beautiful. None can create such a beautiful thing but Allah alone. Allahuakbar. I am forever grateful for the opportunity. Thank You Allah.

From Gold Coast, we moved on to Sydney. Immediately I was reminded of Manchester when I first stepped foot in the city. Sydney gave me a rainy welcome. Koalas, kangaroos, crocodiles, lizards, snakes… I saw them all. What a perfect creation Allah created. Each and every one of them. Had a day trip to Jenolan caves via the Blue mountains. Went inside a cave named Lucas Cave. For the countless number of times, I was amazed with Allah's creations. The natural limestone inside the cave, the blue colored lake. Allahu. So beautiful. How blue the lake really was, just… beautiful. All my life, I thought I have seen and known very well how the color blue look like. Blue. Yes, blue. It was never such a big deal. But the blue lake I saw in Sydney was really something different. Another shade of blue which I have never seen before. Just… again beautiful. I am lost for words on how to describe it. Blue is never the same again now.

The last stop before heading home was Melbourne. While Sydney reminded me of Manchester, Melbourne reminded me of London. Had a long day trip on a small coach along the Great Ocean Road to the Twelve Great Apostles, Loch Arc Gorge in Port Campbell National Park, Victoria and the surfers coast. Yet again, I was blown away by the beauty of what I saw. Allahuakbar. 

Australia was amazing and at the same time, beautifully tiring. Alhamdulillah. Safely landed in bumi bertuah, Brunei Darussalam, on a fine Wednesday evening, on June 11th. Only reached KB on Thursday night. I have to say, regardless of how much I love traveling, nothing can beat that feeling of relieve when the airplane touch down in that place where your heart was, is, and will always be, home. Spent the precious three days after that in KB before heading for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a course. 

Today is my final day in Kuala Lumpur. As I look outside the window from level 13 of the hotel that I am currently staying at, I cannot help but be grateful for everything. Alhamdulillah. Moga Allah redha.


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