Friday 18 February 2011

Fragile Heart

Dearest my fragile heart,

I know you must have heard this before. But I feel the need to tell you this again. Because I know how forgetful you can really be.

No one, I repeat, NO ONE deserves that HIGHEST special place in you except Him alone. It is Him whom you belong to. You are beating each day because He let you. And you will be beating until He orders you to stop.

If you ever decide to love and let someone or anyone or anything in, I hope that you will love and let that person or that thing in because you love Him. In other words, I hope that you will let them in for His sake. Likewise, if you ever decide to hate anyone or anything, please hate them because you love Him.

Please don't you go and love or hate anyone or anything simply because your nafs tell you to. You have to remember that it is Him that you are striving to please. And not your nafs or your worldly desires.

Please dearest fragile heart, please don't make anyone else takes His place in you.

Slave of Allah SWT

Mencabarnya urusan menjaga hati

"Ya Allah, janganlah Engkau biarkan cinta dan rin
du ku kepada manusia dan dunia ini melebihi cinta dan rindu ku kepada Mu dan Muhammad SAW. AMIN."

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