Tuesday 21 June 2011

Funny people

Matluthfi makes me smile! :)
I love anything that can make me smile.
Hence I love matluthfi. **eh?**
(Okay, I know my conclusion does not follow my reason. A fallacy detected)
Nonetheless, I still think he is a genius.
May he continue to make awesome meaningful videos.
And may Allah SWT bless him for always.

This is my very own personal favourite from him (for now at least). Excellent video. Honest, true, funny. The message is there. Clear and simple to follow. And boy, he sure has a real sense of humour.

"Dulu masa kecik kecik, bila tengok ceta ceta cinta kan... mak saya akan tanya; nanti besar nak kahwin ngan sapa? saya akan jawab; nak kahwin ngan mama." "wawawa... masa tu memang tak matang."

Big Lol.

Salaams :)

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