Wednesday 6 July 2011

Farewell 23!

In the end of the day, those who matter most to me are always those who would still love me the best even when I am at my very worst. They are those who would never give up on me even when I feel like giving up on myself. They are those who would shower me with words of encouragement when I am weak. They are those who would tell me "everything will be okay" when things are not okay. They are those who would still care for me even when I tell them to go away. They are those whom I loved with all my heart. They are my precious two, beloved annoying siblings, family and true friends. I am everything I am today because they loved me.

Above all those, praises be to the One who gives me this life. My fragile heart beats because of Him. He who gives me my precious two, my family and friends. He who gives me everything that I need. Alhamdullilah thumma alhamdullilah. I am not even a tiny piece of dust without Him. I belong to Him and only to Him I shall return.

23 has changed me. Alhamdullilah. It is time to say goodbye to 23 now!

Here is to 24!

Salaams :) xxx

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